Friday, January 3, 2014

Okay it's been a life time away from this site...

2014 I decided to make couple New Year's resolutions and one of them is to be more fit. I have lost weight since Gwyneth was born. And in the last two months I have lost 20 pounds down to my weight pre baby. Yet I am definitely not same shape and energy level; so that's what I want to work on. 

Maintaining my lower weight and getting back in to shape while toning.

So far for this year, 2014, I have snowboarded everyday. Only the third day of the year, yet a good start!
Only did a few small stretches which could be better to get a full routine after riding. I am still real sore.

Friday, August 17, 2007

todays food.

Breakfast...................slice of cantaloupe




Bottles of water........5


Breakfast...................hash brown & 1 1/2 breakfast burritos (McDs)

Lunch.........................pork sandwich (red-romaine, pork, cheese, and blue cheese vinaigrette)

Dinner........................ Fried Shrimp & asparagus

Snacks.......................... two pieces of Cake (one chocolate on chocolate the other fruit on white yum) & a small Ice cream scoop (ITs my birthday back off) hehe

Drinks........................2 12oz. Cokes

Bottles of water........1

okay... I am back

so I haven't worked out... I have been recovering from a bike accident. I still hurt but I am going to ease into this workout stuff. I have gained 2 lbs. BOO! Oh well...
I have a new Rule. No soda (or other "bad" drinks) until I have drank 4 (let me say that again) 4 water bottles that day. Man that is going to be hard for me, but they say drinking water is the first step to getting healthy. Now that I have this ring on my finger it feels as though I can do anything. HA HA.. anyway wish me luck. later.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This week so far.

Monday- Did warm-up to the Firm Total Body workout
Tuesday- Did twenty min of Gazelle

Did Firm videos- Abs and Arms (did not do the cardio portion of the arms video)

Slimfast (half scoop and 8oz of milk)
Water - about 10 oz
sausage egg cheese biscuit (best that I could do at Cowboy Loop)
can of diet dr. pepper
Slimfast (same as above)

Audrey's Goals

To lose two dress sizes by wedding (Down to a size 8.)
Build muscle in sholders and arms
flatten stomach
Slim thighs
Better eating habits

My Plan:
Monday-Firm Total Body Workout (50 min of arobics and strength training)

Tuesday- Gazelle (eliptical machine kind-of) starting at 20 min and building to 40 min (using interval training (where you increase intensity each minute to a certian point than drop back down to a lower intensity and work back up repeating this cycle till minutes are up)

Wednesday- Firm GiggleFree Arms (25 min -half cardio and half strength training) Firm GiggleFree Abs (20 mins -mostly strength moves)

Thursday- Gazelle (same as Tuesday)

Friday- Firm total body workout (same as Monday)

Saturday- Gazelle (same as Tuesday)

Sunday- REST


Drink Slimfast with added protien (double amount of fat-free milk to get in four servings of calcium a day) -one to two times a day

Lunch- WeightWatcher meal OR one portion of lean protien and one portion of carb and one portion of veggies

Snacks- veggies/fruit/WW cakes/Fat-free pudding

Dinner- One portion of lean protien, one portion of carb, one portion of Veggie.

Drink LOTS of water.

Diet soda or lemonaid

Let the races begin :)

I have been cutting back on my bad food and drink intake and slowly starting to excersize over the past week.

Last week- Wednes - warm-up for Firm total body workout.
Thurs- Gazelle for 20 min altrnating difficulty levels (Minute 1 and 2- easy Min 3- a little harder Min.4 a little harder

Thursday, July 19, 2007


MORNING, Mom and I worked out by doing a half-hour of DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION! FUN... We tried to add air punches to the dance. It was a little difficult, but made us sweat. We then did sit ups and streches.

DDR....................20 mins.
Lower abs.........10
Leg lifts..............10 of each side
Stretch...............Legs mostly

DDR....................20 mins.
Sit-ups...............10 Lower abs..........10
Leg lifts..............10 of each side