Friday, August 17, 2007

todays food.

Breakfast...................slice of cantaloupe




Bottles of water........5


Breakfast...................hash brown & 1 1/2 breakfast burritos (McDs)

Lunch.........................pork sandwich (red-romaine, pork, cheese, and blue cheese vinaigrette)

Dinner........................ Fried Shrimp & asparagus

Snacks.......................... two pieces of Cake (one chocolate on chocolate the other fruit on white yum) & a small Ice cream scoop (ITs my birthday back off) hehe

Drinks........................2 12oz. Cokes

Bottles of water........1

okay... I am back

so I haven't worked out... I have been recovering from a bike accident. I still hurt but I am going to ease into this workout stuff. I have gained 2 lbs. BOO! Oh well...
I have a new Rule. No soda (or other "bad" drinks) until I have drank 4 (let me say that again) 4 water bottles that day. Man that is going to be hard for me, but they say drinking water is the first step to getting healthy. Now that I have this ring on my finger it feels as though I can do anything. HA HA.. anyway wish me luck. later.