Friday, August 17, 2007

todays food.

Breakfast...................slice of cantaloupe




Bottles of water........5


Breakfast...................hash brown & 1 1/2 breakfast burritos (McDs)

Lunch.........................pork sandwich (red-romaine, pork, cheese, and blue cheese vinaigrette)

Dinner........................ Fried Shrimp & asparagus

Snacks.......................... two pieces of Cake (one chocolate on chocolate the other fruit on white yum) & a small Ice cream scoop (ITs my birthday back off) hehe

Drinks........................2 12oz. Cokes

Bottles of water........1

okay... I am back

so I haven't worked out... I have been recovering from a bike accident. I still hurt but I am going to ease into this workout stuff. I have gained 2 lbs. BOO! Oh well...
I have a new Rule. No soda (or other "bad" drinks) until I have drank 4 (let me say that again) 4 water bottles that day. Man that is going to be hard for me, but they say drinking water is the first step to getting healthy. Now that I have this ring on my finger it feels as though I can do anything. HA HA.. anyway wish me luck. later.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This week so far.

Monday- Did warm-up to the Firm Total Body workout
Tuesday- Did twenty min of Gazelle

Did Firm videos- Abs and Arms (did not do the cardio portion of the arms video)

Slimfast (half scoop and 8oz of milk)
Water - about 10 oz
sausage egg cheese biscuit (best that I could do at Cowboy Loop)
can of diet dr. pepper
Slimfast (same as above)

Audrey's Goals

To lose two dress sizes by wedding (Down to a size 8.)
Build muscle in sholders and arms
flatten stomach
Slim thighs
Better eating habits

My Plan:
Monday-Firm Total Body Workout (50 min of arobics and strength training)

Tuesday- Gazelle (eliptical machine kind-of) starting at 20 min and building to 40 min (using interval training (where you increase intensity each minute to a certian point than drop back down to a lower intensity and work back up repeating this cycle till minutes are up)

Wednesday- Firm GiggleFree Arms (25 min -half cardio and half strength training) Firm GiggleFree Abs (20 mins -mostly strength moves)

Thursday- Gazelle (same as Tuesday)

Friday- Firm total body workout (same as Monday)

Saturday- Gazelle (same as Tuesday)

Sunday- REST


Drink Slimfast with added protien (double amount of fat-free milk to get in four servings of calcium a day) -one to two times a day

Lunch- WeightWatcher meal OR one portion of lean protien and one portion of carb and one portion of veggies

Snacks- veggies/fruit/WW cakes/Fat-free pudding

Dinner- One portion of lean protien, one portion of carb, one portion of Veggie.

Drink LOTS of water.

Diet soda or lemonaid

Let the races begin :)

I have been cutting back on my bad food and drink intake and slowly starting to excersize over the past week.

Last week- Wednes - warm-up for Firm total body workout.
Thurs- Gazelle for 20 min altrnating difficulty levels (Minute 1 and 2- easy Min 3- a little harder Min.4 a little harder

Thursday, July 19, 2007


MORNING, Mom and I worked out by doing a half-hour of DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION! FUN... We tried to add air punches to the dance. It was a little difficult, but made us sweat. We then did sit ups and streches.

DDR....................20 mins.
Lower abs.........10
Leg lifts..............10 of each side
Stretch...............Legs mostly

DDR....................20 mins.
Sit-ups...............10 Lower abs..........10
Leg lifts..............10 of each side

Breanne's Food for Today

Lunch.........................Quiznos Chicken cheese mushroom sub, hand full of lays chips
Snacks........................ Cookie (half)
Drinks........................Coke 8oz., Coke 12oz.

Bottles of water........0

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

STARTING Weights & Goals

Breanne................153 lb. Size 10 or 12
goals: To lose 18lbs, two sizes, increase water intake, and feel healier; by my wedding.

Mom.....................FILL me OUT and post

Audrey.................FILL me OUT and post

Today's Food for Breanne:


Lunch.........................Ham Wrap (red-romain, ham, cheese, and fat-free 1000 island dressing)

Dinner........................ 2 Tiquetos (sp?) part of a ham sandwich

Snacks........................ small stick of cheese

Drinks........................Coke 8oz., Chocolate Milk16 oz., Coke 12oz.

Bottles of water........1



MORNING, Mom and I worked out by doing a half-hour of DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION! FUN... We tried to add air punches to the dance. It was a little difficult, but made us sweat. We then did sit ups and streches.

DDR....................30 mins.
Lower abs.........10
Stretch...............Legs mostly

DDR....................30 mins.
Lower abs..........10
Leg lifts..............10 of each side
Stretch...............Legs mostly